Брэнд - Semiotexte
The Soul at Work – From Alienation to Autonomy
EAN 9781584350767 13.75 USD -
Atta (Semiotext(e) / Intervention)
EAN 9781584351061 12.04 USD -
Desert Islands and other Texts 1953–1974 (translated from French)
EAN 9781584350187 21.12 USD -
Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America
EAN 9781584350521 17.93 USD -
Mercury Station
EAN 9781584350712 21.95 USD -
The Words and the Land – Israeli Intellectuals and the Nationalist Myth
EAN 9781584350965 18.87 USD -
Correspondence – The Foundation of the Situationist International (June 1957–August 1960)
EAN 9781584350637 61.60 USD -
The Screwball Asses Translated by Noura Wedell
EAN 9781584350811 14.64 USD -
Soft Subversions – Texts and Interviews 1977–1985 2e
EAN 9781584350736 23.19 USD -
Nietzsche Apostle (Semiotext(e) / Intervention Series)
EAN 9781584350996 11.25 USD -
The Madame Realism Complex
EAN 9780936756868 13.85 USD -
Hannibal Lecter, My Father
EAN 9780936756684 15.32 USD -
Crepuscular Dawn
EAN 9781584350132 13.99 USD -
The Empire of Disorder
EAN 9781584350163 15.88 USD