Брэнд - Context Pr
New Directions in Behavioral Development
EAN 9781878978240 -
Mindfulness & Acceptance for Addictive Behaviors: Applying Contextual CBT to Substance Abuse and Behavioral Addictions: (Mindfulness & Acceptance Practica)
EAN 9781608822164 59.38 USD -
Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition (International Institute on Verbal Relations)
EAN 9781878978172 -
Gambling: Behavior Theory, Research, and Application
EAN 9781878978578 37.50 USD -
Handbook of Interventions for Changing People and Communities
EAN 9781878978530 33.95 USD -
History of the Behavioral Therapies: Founders" Personal Theories
EAN 9781878978400 41.64 USD -
Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition: The Fourth International Institute on Verbal Relations (International Institute on Verbal Relations Ser.)
EAN 9781878978189 44.60 USD -
Talking ACT: Notes and Conversations on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
EAN 9781878978585 51.46 USD