Брэнд - Silman-James Pr
Contracts for the Film & Television Industry
EAN 9781879505469 35.00 USD -
Filmmaking Narrative and Structural Techniques: Narrative & Structural Techniques
EAN 9781879505148 15.95 USD -
Micro-Budget Hollywood: Budgeting (And Making) Feature Films for $50,000 to $500,000: Budgeting (and Making) Feature Films for 50, 000 to 500, 000 ... Making Feature Films Fof $50,000 to $500,000)
EAN 9781879505223 19.18 USD -
Grammar of the Film Language
EAN 9781879505070 28.89 USD -
The Screenwriter Looks at the Screenwriter
EAN 9781879505018 13.35 USD -
Movie Marketing: Opening the Picture and Giving It Legs
EAN 9781879505384 18.25 USD -
Classic Sitcoms: A Celebration of the Best in Prime-Time Comedy: A Celebration of the Best Prime-time Comedy
EAN 9781879505254 17.87 USD -
The Freelance Writer"s Bible: Your Guide to a Profitable Writing Career Within One Year
EAN 9781879505858 16.29 USD -
Costuming for Film: The Art and the Craft
EAN 9781879505803 45.20 USD -
Breaking into Commericals: The Complete Guide to Marketing Yourself, Auditioning to Win, And Getting the Job, 2nd ed.
EAN 9781879505834 15.15 USD -
Screenwriting Updated: New (and Conventional) Ways of Writing for the Screen
EAN 9781879505599 21.06 USD -
In the Blink of an Eye Revised 2nd Edition
EAN 9781879505629 11.02 USD -
Zen and the Art of Screenwriting: Insights and Interviews
EAN 9781879505315 15.76 USD -
The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You"re Not: How to Be Funny If You"re Not
EAN 9781879505216 13.34 USD