Брэнд - Schroff Development Corp
Parametric Modeling With Solidworks 2009
EAN 9781585035205 54.62 USD -
Intorduction to Pro/Sheetmetal Wildfire 3.0
EAN 9781585033362 57.26 USD -
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 Advanced Tutorial
EAN 9781585033805 50.87 USD -
Residential Design Using Autocad 2006
EAN 9781585032327 48.21 USD -
The Fundamentals of SolidWorks 2008
EAN 9781585034819 53.80 USD -
Engineering Design With Solidworks 2006: A Step-By-Step Project Based Approach Utilizing 3D Solid Modeling
EAN 9781585032587 -
Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2009
EAN 9781585034574 54.70 USD -
Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2009
EAN 9781585034376 55.29 USD -
Engineering Design With Solidworks 2000
EAN 9781585030217 55.71 USD -
Learning Solidworks 2013
EAN 9781585037698 63.02 USD -
An Introduction to Solidworks Flow Simulation 2009
EAN 9781585035434 54.46 USD -
The Unofficial Revit 2011 Certification Exam Guide
EAN 9781585036189 49.98 USD -
Revit Architecture 2012 Basics: From the Ground Up
EAN 9781585036769 59.17 USD -
Engineering Graphics Essentials: (A Text and Lecture Aid)
EAN 9781585032563 56.45 USD