Брэнд - Hart Pub
An Introduction to the Law on Financial Investment: Second Edition
EAN 9781849460507 70.71 USD -
Integration at the Border: The Dutch Act on Integration Abroad and International Immigration Law (Studies in International Law)
EAN 9781849464109 106.06 USD -
Getting a PhD in Law
EAN 9781841133065 35.98 USD -
Finnish Yearbook of International Law: Volume 22, 2011
EAN 9781849463492 238.07 USD -
The Europeanisation of UK Competition Law
EAN 9781841130361 106.00 USD -
Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective
EAN 9781849460125 149.90 USD -
Property Rights and Natural Resources (Studies in International Law)
EAN 9781841135892 121.65 USD -
The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights (Modern Studies in European Law)
EAN 9781849464604 61.57 USD -
Comparative Law
EAN 9781841135960 86.67 USD -
The Democratic Legitimacy of International Law (Studies in International Law)
EAN 9781841138176 104.08 USD -
An Introduction to the Law of the United Nations
EAN 9781841139371 39.24 USD