Брэнд - Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
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Hans Namuth: Portraits
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Chasing the Silver Bullet
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Cold War Laboratory: RAND, the Air Force, and the American State, 1945-1950 (Smithsonian History of Aviation and Spaceflight Series)
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1812: A Nation Emerges
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Picturing the Past: Illustrated Histories and the American Imagination, 1840-1900
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Turtles of the World
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Jerome C. Hunsaker and the Rise of American Aeronautics
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Aiming for the Stars: The Dreamers and Doers of the Space Age
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Lion Tamarins: Biology and Conservation (Zoo and Aquarium Biology and Conservation Series)
EAN 9781588340726 39.93 USD -
Monuments & Memory: History and Representation in Lowell, Massachusetts
EAN 9781588340306 21.72 USD -
Asteroids: A History
EAN 9781560989820 18.68 USD -
The Origins of Satellite Communications, 1945-1965 (Smithsonian History of Aviation and Spaceflight Series)
EAN 9781588340221 34.07 USD -
Music in the Mind: The Concepts of Music and Musician in Afghanistan
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