Брэнд - Wiley-Interscience
Resilient Computing Systems: 001
EAN 9780471845188 -
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method
EAN 9780470258798 34.24 USD -
Principles and Applications of Asymmetric Synthesis
EAN 9780471400271 189.25 USD -
Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
EAN 9780471134244 195.00 USD -
Therapeutic Agents, Volume 2, Burger\"s Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 5th Edition
EAN 9780471575573 375.38 USD -
Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise
EAN 9780471107934 118.82 USD -
The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters
EAN 9780471468967 -
Multiple Emulsion: Technology and Applications
EAN 9780470209264 -
Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text
EAN 9780471648734 -
Air Pollution Control Equipment Calculations
EAN 9780470255773 -
Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy
EAN 9780470443736 -
Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method
EAN 9780470316511 -
Simulation: A Modeler"s Approach
EAN 9780470317068 -
Introduction to Biophotonics
EAN 9780471465386