Брэнд - Ivan R Dee Inc
Cultural Calisthenics: Writings on Race, Politics, and Theatre
EAN 9781566632669 15.12 USD -
The Moral Imagination: From Edmund Burke to Lionel Trilling
EAN 9781566636247 27.77 USD -
The Prince of Homburg (Plays for Performance)
EAN 9780929587479 -
Leibniz in 90 Minutes (Philsophers in 90 Minutes)
EAN 9781566633307 14.53 USD -
German and Jew: The Life and Death of Sigmund Stein
EAN 9781566634045 16.07 USD -
Not with a Bang But a Whimper: The Politics and Culture of Decline
EAN 9781566637954 23.60 USD -
EAN 9781566630382 14.54 USD -
Woody Allen: A Life in Film
EAN 9781566635288 20.34 USD -
King Lear: A Guide (Shakespeare Handbooks)
EAN 9781566633628 16.52 USD -
The Carreta
EAN 9781566630450 15.55 USD -
Nabokov in 90 Minutes (Great Writers in 90 Minutes)
EAN 9781566635899 16.89 USD -
Iphigenia in Aulis (Plays for Performance)
EAN 9781566631129 15.10 USD -
J.S. Mill in 90 Minutes (Philsophers in 90 Minutes)
EAN 9781566634748 14.60 USD -
Veil and Cowl: Writings from the World of Monks and Nuns
EAN 9781566632515 15.95 USD