Брэнд - Libraries Unlimited Inc
Current Concepts in Library Management
EAN 9780872872042 -
Using Computers to Teach Social Studies
EAN 9780872875005 -
Investigating Science Through Bears
EAN 9781563080722 26.93 USD -
Subject Analysis in Online Catalogs
EAN 9780872876705 43.30 USD -
My Bag of Book Tricks
EAN 9780872877221 31.66 USD -
Library Science Dissertations, 1982-1986
EAN 9780872875531 -
Fun Puppet Skits for Schools and Libraries
EAN 9781563082986 -
Interlibrary Loan: Theory and Management
EAN 9780872879478 52.28 USD -
Map Librarianship: An Introduction
EAN 9780872875371 46.71 USD -
Weeding Library Collections: 2
EAN 9780872872837 -
Jazz (American popular music on Elpee)
EAN 9780872871489 -
Gentle Reads: Great Books to Warm Hearts and Lift Spirits, Grades 5-9 (Children"s and Young Adult Literature Reference)
EAN 9781591584919 51.60 USD -
Charleston Conference Proceedings
EAN 9781591586227 39.19 USD -
Case Studies in Library Management Media
EAN 9780872873438