Брэнд - Wayne St Univ Pr
Life with Mae: A Detroit Family Memoir (Great Lakes Books Series)
EAN 9780814332986 25.14 USD -
Hitchcock"s British Films (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series)
EAN 9780814334942 24.77 USD -
In the Service of the King: Officialdom in Ancient Israel and Judah (Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, No 23)
EAN 9780814329351 44.96 USD -
Nothing That Is: Millennial Cinema and the Blair Witch Controversies (Contemporary Film and Television)
EAN 9780814330647 -
Settling in the Hearts: Jewish Fundamentalism in the Occupied Territories (Raphael Patai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology)
EAN 9780814327500 58.25 USD -
Light Motives: German Popular Cinema in Perspective (Contemporary Film and Television)
EAN 9780814330449 -
Russian Folktale by Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp
EAN 9780814334669 42.29 USD -
Talking Shops: Detroit Commercial Folk Art (Great Lakes Books)
EAN 9780814330906 32.96 USD -
Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic (Raphael Patai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology)
EAN 9780814334652 35.56 USD -
Sayles Talk. New Perspectives on Independent Filmmaker John Sayles
EAN 9780814331552 36.61 USD -
Narrating Community After Kant: Schiller, Goethe, and Holderlin (Kritik: German Literary Theory and Cultural Studies)
EAN 9780814329689 -
Letter from Washington, 1863-1865 (Great Lakes Books)
EAN 9780814327982 -
What the Wine-Sellers Buy Plus Three: Four Plays by Ron Milner (African American Life)
EAN 9780814329771 35.78 USD -
The Donna Reed Show (TV Milestones)
EAN 9780814335086 19.76 USD