Брэнд - Open Book Publishers
Bourdieu and Literature
EAN 9781906924423 30.04 USD -
On History
EAN 9781909254701 40.27 USD -
God"s Babies
EAN 9781783740529 40.61 USD -
Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53-86
EAN 9781906924539 36.75 USD -
The Digital Public Domain. Foundations for an Open Culture
EAN 9781906924454 36.67 USD -
Storytelling in Northern Zambia
EAN 9781909254596 40.09 USD -
A People Passing Rude. British Responses to Russian Culture
EAN 9781909254107 35.45 USD -
Oral Literature in the Digital Age
EAN 9781909254305 35.55 USD -
The End of the World
EAN 9781906924508 36.58 USD -
Digital Humanities Pedagogy. Practices, Principles and Politics
EAN 9781909254251 29.13 USD -
Xiipuktan (First of All)
EAN 9781909254404 36.41 USD -
Democracy and Power
EAN 9781783740925 20.57 USD -
Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45
EAN 9781783740000 35.88 USD -
That Greece Might Still be Free. The Philhellenes in the War of Independence
EAN 9781906924003 32.44 USD