Брэнд - Pfeiffer & Co
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EAN 9780787987183 54.66 USD -
Практический интеллект: Наука о здравом смысле / К. Альбрехт; Пер. с англ. М.Ш. Чомахидзе-Доронина. - ил.
EAN 9785918090084 24.80 USD -
Performance-Based Certification: How to Design a Valid, Defensible, Cost-Effective Program (with Microsoft 3.5 Diskette-Customizable Tests, Job AIDS)
EAN 9780470634103 -
20 Active Training Programs
EAN 9780883903018 -
Setting Goals and Standards (Book and Cassette)
EAN 9789997089601 37.43 USD -
The Annual, 1996 Training
EAN 9780883904794 86.27 USD -
Hiring Success: The Art and Science of Staffing Assessment and Employee Selection (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professionals)
EAN 9780787996482 40.48 USD -
The Annual, 1996 Consulting
EAN 9780883904800 82.97 USD -
The Handbook of Training Technologies: An Introductory Guide to Facilitating Learning with Technology -- From Planning Through Evaluation (Tech Training)
EAN 9781118426838 87.47 USD -
Game Plan for Change: A Tabletop Simulation to Ignite Growth Through Transformation (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professionals)
EAN 9780470254882 112.63 USD -
The Uses of Institutional Culture: Strengthening Identification and Building Brand Equity in Higher Education: Ashe Higher Education Report (ASHE Higher Education Reports)
EAN 9780787981242 -
People Process Participants Package
EAN 9789993556374 20.18 USD -
The Courageous Leader Card
EAN 9780470902653 -
1998 Annual: Training, Consulting (Serial)
EAN 9789997428493