Брэнд - Four Courts Press
Port of Medieval Dublin: Archaeological Excavation at the Civic Office, Winetavern St Dublin 1993: Archaeological Excavation at the Civic Offices, Winetavern Street, Dublin, 1993
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Rebellion in Wicklow: General Joseph Holt"s Personal Account of 1798 (1798 Bicentenary Book)
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Irish Bishop in Penal Ti: Chequered Career of Sylvester Lloyd, 1680-1747
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The Celtic West and Europe: Studies in Celtic Literature and the Early Chuch: Studies in Celtic Literature and the Early Irish Church
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See 2v Set 85182-3254 (Celtic Studies)
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Ideology and Ireland in the 19th Century (Nineteenth-Century Ireland)
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Travellers" Accounts as Source Material for Irish Historians (Maynooth Research Guides for Irish Local History)
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European Universities in the Age of Reformation and Counterreformation
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