Брэнд - The University of North Carolina Press
The Grand Old Man of Maine: Selected Letters of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 1865-1914 (Civil War America)
EAN 9780807828649 43.66 USD -
Racism in the Nation\"s Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson\"s America
EAN 9781469607207 37.95 USD -
Laws Harsh As Tigers: Chinese Immigrants and the Shaping of Modern Immigration Law (Studies in Legal History)
EAN 9780807845301 26.76 USD -
Prostitution, Modernity, and the Making of the Cuban Republic, 1840-1920 (Envisioning Cuba)
EAN 9781469608945 26.95 USD -
Growing Up in the 1850s: The Journal of Agnes Lee
EAN 9780807842430 17.05 USD -
China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975 (New Cold War History)
EAN 9780807848425 28.68 USD -
Military Law under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
EAN 9780807878156 69.45 USD -
Bringing God to Men: American Military Chaplains and the Vietnam War
EAN 9781469612942 31.61 USD -
Tobacco and Slaves
EAN 9780807842249 48.79 USD -
Foreign Enterprise in India: Laws and Policies
EAN 9780807809280 -
Remaking Ibieca: Rural Life in Aragon Under Franco
EAN 9780807815946 -
Yankee West: Community Life on the Michigan Frontier
EAN 9780807823019 -
The Civil War as a Theological Crisis
EAN 9780807830123 30.52 USD -
Southerners: The Social Psychology of Sectionalism
EAN 9780807815427