Брэнд - Springer US
The Technology of Cake Making
EAN 9781441947420 263.95 USD -
Subcellular Biochemistry: Volume 5
EAN 9781461579441 101.80 USD -
Biomedical Ethics and the Law
EAN 9780306402425 106.24 USD -
Game Theoretical Applications to Economics and Operations Research (Theory and Decision Library C)
EAN 9781441947802 270.68 USD -
Optical Fiber Sensor Technology: Advanced Applications - Bragg Gratings and Distributed Sensors
EAN 9781441949998 279.81 USD -
Binary Decision Diagrams: Theory and Implementation
EAN 9781441950475 205.47 USD -
Power System Infrastructure: CRIS Conference on Interdependencies and Applications (Power Electronics and Power Systems)
EAN 9780387710518 126.17 USD -
Perceptual Metrics for Image Database Navigation (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
EAN 9781441948632 271.45 USD -
Human Chromosomes: Structure, Behavior, Effects
EAN 9780387961736 96.42 USD -
Principles of Engineering Mechanics: Volume 2 Dynamics-The Analysis of Motion (Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering)
EAN 9781441936561 70.35 USD -
Multimedia Information Systems
EAN 9781441950420 161.16 USD -
Advanced Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Convertors
EAN 9780387710532 -
Orthopoxviruses Pathogenic for Humans
EAN 9781441937834 139.04 USD -
Algorithm Synthesis: A Comparative Study
EAN 9780387969602 95.92 USD