Брэнд - McGill-Queen's University Press
Wesley Bourne: The Quintessential Canadian Anaesthetist : A Retrospective on the Foundaions of McGill Anesthesia: A Retrospective on the Foundations ... Anesthesia (Fontanus Monograph Series, 10)
EAN 9780773514553 89.93 USD -
The Welfare State and Canadian Federalism (Queen"s Studies on the Future of the Canadian Communities)
EAN 9780773503847 -
From New Public Management to New Political Governance: Essays in Honour of Peter C. Aucoin
EAN 9780773539914 33.20 USD -
Dark Age: The Political Odyssey of Emperor Bokassa
EAN 9780773524187 37.67 USD -
Shared Responsibility: The United Nations in the Age of Globalization
EAN 9780773542945 28.45 USD -
Saqiyuq: Stories from the Lives of Three Inuit Women (McGill-Queen\"s Native and Northern)
EAN 9780773522442 30.86 USD -
The Canadian Federalist Experiment: From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic
EAN 9780773525337 -
Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights
EAN 9780773539211 23.50 USD -
Why Canada Cares: Human Rights and Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice
EAN 9780773539969 95.00 USD -
The New Canadian Political Economy: Edited by Wallace Clement and Glen Williams
EAN 9780773506817 30.73 USD -
Fearful joy; papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University
EAN 9780773501324 -
Space and Revolution: Projects for Monuments, Squares, and Public Buildings in France, 1789-1799
EAN 9780773507579 -
The War Against the Seals: A History of the North American Seal Fishery
EAN 9780773505780 49.32 USD -
Lives and Landscapes: A Photographic Memoir of Outport Newfoundland and Labrador, 1949-1963
EAN 9780773525177 60.00 USD