Брэнд - JAI Press Inc.
Research in Political Sociology: 1993
EAN 9781559384469 70.65 USD -
Longitudinal Perspectives on Educational Attainment (Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization Series : Volume 1)
EAN 9780892321223 -
EAN 9780762314430 -
Advances in Food Science
EAN 9781559383547 -
Advances in Medical Biology (Advances in Medical Biology , Vol 1)
EAN 9780762303861 -
EAN 9781559387576 77.14 USD -
Advances in Solid State Chemistry
EAN 9781559387927 -
Advances in Serials Management
EAN 9781559385114 75.24 USD -
EAN 9780892328673 115.00 USD -
Information Needs of the 80s: Libraries and Information Services Role in "Bringing Information to People" Based on the Deliberations of the White Ho: ... in Library & Information Science)
EAN 9780892321643 82.50 USD -
Political Power and Social Theory: 3 (Political Power & Social Theory)
EAN 9780892322046 82.50 USD -
Channels (Biomembranes. A Multi-Volume Treatise)
EAN 9781559386661 -
Advances in Management Accounting: 1995
EAN 9781559388825 84.43 USD -
Advances in Strategic Management: 3
EAN 9780892325061