Брэнд - John Benjamins Publishing Co
Language Maintenance and Language Death: The Decline of Texas Alsatian (Culture and Language Use: Studies in Anthropological Linguistics)
EAN 9789027202888 132.83 USD -
The Evaluability Hypothesis: The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Polarity Item Licensing (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today)
EAN 9789027255662 140.81 USD -
Approaches to Bootstrapping: Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition (Language Acquisition & Language Disorders)
EAN 9789027224972 -
Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research (Benjamins Translation Library)
EAN 9789027216267 128.69 USD -
Searle on Conversation (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series)
EAN 9789027250339 -
What Do We Talk About When We Talk: Speculative Grammar and the Semantics and Pragmatics of Focus (Pragmatics and Beyond. II, No 3)
EAN 9789027225139 99.00 USD -
Primate Communication and Human Language: Vocalisation, Gestures, Imitation and Deixis in Humans and Non-Humans (Advances in Interaction Studies)
EAN 9789027204547 136.88 USD -
Arab Linguistics: An Introductory Classical Text With Translation and Notes (Studies in the History of Linguistics/No. 24)
EAN 9789027245069 185.50 USD -
Point of View in Plays: A Cognitive Stylistic Approach to Viewpoint in Drama and Other Text-types (Linguistic Approaches to Literature)
EAN 9789027233356 147.35 USD -
Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics Salt Lake City 2001 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)
EAN 9789027247599 177.15 USD -
More Support for More-Support: The Role of Processing Constraints on the Choice Between Synthetic and Analytic Comparative Forms (Studies in Language Variation)
EAN 9789027234841 127.43 USD -
Tibeto-Burman Tonology: A Comparative Account: A Comparative Analysis (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series IV: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)
EAN 9789027235480 211.43 USD -
Friedrich Nicolais Satiren: Ein Beitrag Zur Kulturgeschichte Des 18. Jahrhunderts (German Language & Literature Monographs Series, 2)
EAN 9789027240064 154.02 USD -
Parentheticals (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today)
EAN 9789027233707 164.42 USD