Брэнд - Harvard Business Review Press
Coaching and Mentoring: How to Develop Top Talent and Achieve Stronger Performance (Harvard Business Essentials)
EAN 9781591394358 22.87 USD -
Your Leadership Legacy: Why Looking Toward the Future Will Make You a Better Leader Today
EAN 9781591396178 33.48 USD -
The Workforce Scorecard
EAN 9781591392453 53.38 USD -
Why Good Companies Go Bad And How Great Managers Remake Them
EAN 9781591397168 40.71 USD -
Beyond Hype: Rediscovering the Essence of Management
EAN 9780875845067 -
Planning and Control Systems
EAN 9780875840475 -
Should Business and Non Business Accounting be Different
EAN 9780875842127 -
Creating Teams with an Edge: The Complete Skill Set to Build Powerful and Influential Teams (Harvard Business Essentials)
EAN 9781591392903 19.51 USD -
Strategy: Seeking and Securing Competitive Advantage (Harvard Business Review)
EAN 9780875842431 -
The Clash of Cultures: Managers Managing Professionals: Managers and Professionals
EAN 9780875843056 -
R & D Collaboration on Trial: Realizing Value from the Corporate Image: The Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
EAN 9780875843643 36.58 USD -
Retire Retirement: Career Strategies for the Boomer Generation
EAN 9781422120590 18.10 USD -
Competition in Global Industries (Research Colloquium / Harvard Business School)
EAN 9780875841403 35.96 USD -
Global Edge: Using the Opacity Index to Manage the Risks of Cross-Border Business
EAN 9781422103463 25.16 USD