Брэнд - Policy Press
Understanding the Policy Process: Analysing Welfare Policy and Practice (Understanding Welfare)
EAN 9781861345394 -
Shaping Health Policy: Case Study Methods and Analysis
EAN 9781847427571 41.47 USD -
Local Strategic Partnerships: Lessons from New Commitment to Regeneration (Area Regeneration)
EAN 9781861343703 -
Stronger Links: A Guide to Good Practice for Children"s Family-Based Short-Term Care Services
EAN 9781861341655 25.80 USD -
Childcare Markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service?
EAN 9781847429346 39.42 USD -
Child Well-Being, Child Poverty and Child Policy in Modern Nations: What Do We Know? Revised Second Edition
EAN 9781861342539 36.38 USD -
From Poor Law to Community Care: The Development of Welfare Services for Elderly People 1939-1971
EAN 9781861340856 37.31 USD -
Participatory Practice: Community-Based Action for Transformative Change
EAN 9781847420121 31.90 USD -
Outlawing age discrimination: "Foreign lessons, UK choices"
EAN 9781861343543 -
Understanding Crime and Social Policy (Policy Press - Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy)
EAN 9781847424990 34.00 USD -
User Empowerment in Community Care: Unravelling the Issues (Studies in Decentralization & Quasi-Markets)
EAN 9781873575307 -
Childhood Poverty and Social Exclusion: From a Child"s Perspective (Studies in Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion)
EAN 9781861343635 -
Seven Years in the Lives of British Families: Evidence on the Dynamics of Social Change from the British Household Panel Survey
EAN 9781861342003 47.04 USD -
Young People and Contradictions of Inclusion: Towards Integrated Transition Policies in Europe
EAN 9781861345547