Брэнд - Policy Press
Looking on: Deaf People and the Organisation of Services
EAN 9781861340924 -
Social Happiness: Theory Into Policy and Practice
EAN 9781847429209 113.37 USD -
Home Ownership in a Risk Society: A Social Analysis of Mortgage Arrears and Possessions
EAN 9781861342614 40.62 USD -
Broadening the Dementia Debate (Ageing and the Lifecourse)
EAN 9781847421777 38.72 USD -
Down and Out: Poverty and Exclusion in Australia (Studies in Poverty, Inequality, and Social Exclusion)
EAN 9781847428394 110.00 USD -
The Public Health System in England (Evidence for Public Health Practice)
EAN 9781847424631 93.00 USD -
Policing at the Top: The Roles, Values and Attitudes of Chief Police Officers
EAN 9781447300168 112.66 USD -
Paying for or Providing Welfare? (Studies in Decentralization & Quasi-Markets)
EAN 9781873575376 -
Using Evidence: How Research Can Inform Public Services
EAN 9781861346643 32.52 USD -
Partnerships, New Labour and the Governance of Welfare
EAN 9781861343390 39.58 USD -
Between Ambition and Achievement: Young Black Disabled People"s Views and Experiences of Independence and Independent Living
EAN 9781861341938 -
Tackling Health Inequalities Since the Acheson Inquiry
EAN 9781861345042 24.64 USD -
Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces (Case Studies on Poverty, Place and Policy)
EAN 9781861346599 99.00 USD -
The Dilemmas of Development Work: Ethical Challenges in Regeneration (Policy Press Publications (All Titles as Published))
EAN 9781861349712 35.34 USD