Брэнд - Policy Press
Promoting an Ordinary Life: Checklist for Assessing Residential Care for People with Learning Difficulties (Guides & reports)
EAN 9780862923457 -
Home Is Where the Start Is: The Housing and Urban Experiences of Visually Impaired Children
EAN 9781861344564 -
EAN 9781861347305 89.68 USD -
EAN 9781861343215 -
Understanding Welfare Governance (Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy & Practice)
EAN 9781847420480 98.70 USD -
Forging a New Future: The Experiences and Expectations of People Leaving Paid Work Over 50 (Transitions After 50 Series)
EAN 9781861344472 13.53 USD -
EAN 9781861346889 38.48 USD -
EAN 9781847420442 38.73 USD -
Housing and Social Structure: Towards a Sociology of Residence (Working Papers)
EAN 9781873575192 -
EAN 9781861346636 75.50 USD -
EAN 8601200782622 -
Empowerment Indicators: Combating Social Exclusion in Europe
EAN 9781861343345 -
Creating a Learning Society?: Learning Careers and Policies for Lifelong Learning
EAN 9781861342867 37.18 USD -
EAN 9781847420619 17.67 USD