Брэнд - Amer Univ in Cairo Pr
Margo Veillon Painting Egypt: The Masterpiece Collection at the American University in Cairo (Masterpieces from Egypt Over Nearly a Century)
EAN 9789774247217 43.79 USD -
Temple of Sety I at Abydos
EAN 9789771749318 -
An Investigation of the Phenomenon of Polygyny in Rural Egypt (Cairo Papers in Social Science Volume 24, Number 3, Fall 2001)
EAN 9789774247668 16.04 USD -
The Woman of the Flask
EAN 9789774248986 20.89 USD -
Blue Aubergine
EAN 9789774247262 31.11 USD -
Alif 32: The Imaginary and the Documentary: Cultural Studies in Literature, History, and the Arts (Journal of Comparative Poetics)
EAN 9789774165283 30.37 USD -
Pyramids Portfolio
EAN 9789774246333 30.55 USD -
Memories in Translation: A Life Between the Lines of Arabic Literature
EAN 9789774249389 22.38 USD -
Criss Canning (Macmillian Mini-Art Series)
EAN 9789774163944 45.52 USD -
Do or Die: The Human Condition in Painting and Photography - Teutloff Meets Wallraf
EAN 9789774164279 28.80 USD -
On the Road in Egypt: A Motorist"s Guide
EAN 9789999121224 15.11 USD -
Writing Arabic: From Script to Type
EAN 9789774162923 24.53 USD -
Naguib Mahfouz: His Life and Times
EAN 9789774161285 18.96 USD -
Ayyubid Cairo: A Topographical Study
EAN 9789774242755 35.00 USD