Брэнд - Princeton Univers. Press
Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays of Erich Auerbach
EAN 9780691137117 36.83 USD -
Redeeming The Prince: The Meaning of Machiavelli"s Masterpiece
EAN 9780691160016 24.55 USD -
Devil"s Tabernacle: Pagan Oracles in Early Modern Thought
EAN 9780691157115 32.90 USD -
Book of Job – A Biography
EAN 9780691147598 30.49 USD -
Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age
EAN 9780691057767 23.48 USD -
Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible
EAN 9780691153933 32.42 USD -
Pillars of Prosperity: Political Economics of Development Clusters (Yrj Jahnsson Lectures)
EAN 9780691158150 27.92 USD -
Principles of Economic Sociology
EAN 9780691130590 50.07 USD -
The Godfather Doctrine: A Foreign Policy Parable
EAN 9780691141473 12.00 USD -
The Structure and Dynamics of Networks
EAN 9780691113579 80.61 USD -
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell: Second Edition
EAN 9780691140346 94.33 USD -
Multinational Firms in the World Economy
EAN 9780691128030 58.93 USD -
Essential Frank Lloyd Wright – Critical Writings on Architecture
EAN 9780691133188 78.27 USD -
Introduction to Mathematical Sociology
EAN 9780691145495 61.70 USD