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Paradox of Empowerment: U.S. Leadership and the Spatial Imagination of the Population Crisis (Polemics)
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The Role of Centrosema, Desmodium, and Stylosanthes in Improving Tropical Pastures (Westview Tropical Agriculture Series)
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Through Her Eyes: Women"s Perspectives on World Religions: Women"s Perspective on the World
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The Collapse of the Soviet Union (John M.Olin Critical Issues)
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Toward the Understanding and Prevention of Genocide: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide (Westview Replica Edition)
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China"s Military: The Pla in 1992/1993 (S C P S Yearbook on Pla Affairs)
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Muslim-Christian conflicts: Economic, political, and social origins (A Westview/Dawson replica edition)
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