Брэнд - West Academic Publishing
Hart and Sacks" the Legal Process: Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Law (University Casebook Series)
EAN 9781566622363 198.81 USD -
Myers" California Criminal Law, Cases, Problems and Materials
EAN 9780314274014 180.50 USD -
Acing Tort Law (Acing Law School)
EAN 9780314279972 35.10 USD -
Friedman and Collins" the Law of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials, 4th (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314281784 179.48 USD -
Cases and Materials on the Law of Oil and Gas (University Casebok Series)
EAN 9780882779836 65.94 USD -
Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314166777 198.83 USD -
A Student"s Guide to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
EAN 9780314168153 48.64 USD -
Principles of Criminal Procedure: Post-Investigation (Concise Hornbooks)
EAN 9780314199348 45.13 USD -
Cassidy"s Prosecutorial Ethics, 2D (American Casebook Series)
EAN 9780314282743 -
Berring"s Legal Research for the 21st Century: Advanced Research, Tape 9environmental Law
EAN 9780314260796 97.27 USD -
Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
EAN 9780314144362 37.25 USD -
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts, Keyed to Dawson, 9th
EAN 9780314194343 35.21 USD -
Feldman and Keyes" Government Contracts in a Nutshell, 5th (West Nutshell Series)
EAN 9780314268518 36.52 USD -
Broker-Dealer Regulation in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
EAN 9780314189578 37.86 USD