Брэнд - University Press of America
Law and the Disordered
EAN 9780761847335 56.83 USD -
Is Communism Dead Forever?
EAN 9780761812609 65.91 USD -
The Economic Anthropology of the State: Monographs in Economic Anthropology
EAN 9780819193674 -
Remarks About Academic Matters
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Retirement Income Opportunities In An Aging America: Income Levels And Adequacy
EAN 9780819155436 34.00 USD -
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy"s Grand and Global Alliance: World Order for the New Century
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International Communications Policy: Preparing for the Future
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Encouraging Girls in Mathematics: The Problem and the Solution
EAN 9780819141095 50.00 USD -
Five Virginia Papers on the Presidency: The White Burkett Miller Center Forums, 1982 : Part 2
EAN 9780819131119 -
Soliloques du Pauvre
EAN 9780819126115 -
Law, Bureaucracy and Politics: Implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
EAN 9780819121547 -
The Soul of Methodism: The Class Meeting in Early New York City Methodism
EAN 9780774803854 35.95 USD -
Academic Approaches to Teaching Jewish Studies
EAN 9780761815525 51.47 USD -
The Present State of Consumer Theory
EAN 9780819175069