Брэнд - Georgetown Univ Pr
Terra Incognita: Vacant Land and Urban Strategies (American Governance and Public Policy)
EAN 9781589010079 29.15 USD -
Does Family Preservation Serve a Child"s Best Interests? (Controversies in Public Policy)
EAN 9780878407873 21.80 USD -
Memos to the Governor: An Introduction to State Budgeting
EAN 9781589010192 21.80 USD -
Little Words: Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, and Acquisition (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics)
EAN 9781589012547 46.95 USD -
Inquiries in Bioethics
EAN 9780878405381 20.70 USD -
Public Budgeting in the United States: The Cultural and Ideological Setting (Text and Teaching)
EAN 9780878407521 17.62 USD -
Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad
EAN 9781589012523 48.37 USD -
Emile Zola and the Arts
EAN 9780878404711 -
Answer Key to Al-Kitaab Fii Tacallum Al-Carabiyya: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic: Part One
EAN 9781589010376 5.12 USD -
The Wisdom of Religious Commitment
EAN 9780878405800 42.04 USD -
Ethics Beyond War"s End
EAN 9781589018884 27.67 USD -
El Espanol en Contacto Con Otras Lenguas (Georgetown Studies in Spanish Linguistics)
EAN 9781589012653 36.81 USD -
Careers in International Affairs
EAN 9781589011991 23.40 USD -
Current Studies in Spanish Linguistics
EAN 9780878402342 35.81 USD