Брэнд - State University of New York Press
Primordiality, Science, and Value
EAN 9780873954440 -
The Pursuit of Inquiry
EAN 9780791411209 26.49 USD -
What We Want Is Free: Generosity And Exchange In Recent Art (S U N Y Series in Postmodern Culture)
EAN 9780791462904 26.48 USD -
Autonomy and Judaism: The Individual and Community in Jewish Philosophical Thought (Suny Series in Jewish Philosophy)
EAN 9780791412107 -
Chinese Aesthetics and Literature: A Reader (SUNY series in Asian Studies Development)
EAN 9780791460221 28.11 USD -
The Tao and the Daimon: Segments of a Religious Inquiry
EAN 9780873956611 45.04 USD -
Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity (Suny Series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
EAN 9780791452622 -
The Gaucho Martin Fierro (UNESCO Collection of Representative Works: Latin American)
EAN 9780873952842 18.75 USD -
Pragmatism As a Principle and Method of Right Thinking: The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism
EAN 9780791432662 31.95 USD -
Gandhi and Non-Violence (Suny Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychiatry)
EAN 9780887063312 26.64 USD -
Other Sexes: Rewriting Difference from Woolf to Winterson (S U N Y Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory)
EAN 9780791444559 46.44 USD -
The Abyss Above: Philosophy and Poetic Madness in Plato, Hslderlin, and Nietzsche: Philosophy and Poetic Madness in Plato, Holderlin, and Nietzsche
EAN 9780791454282 29.18 USD -
The Perfect Rule of the Christian Religion: A History of Sandemanianism in the Eighteenth Century
EAN 9781438425078 78.44 USD -
Entrepreneurship and Self-Help Among Black Americans: A Reconsideration of Race and Economics (S U N Y Series in Ethnicity and Race in American Life)
EAN 9780791407356