Брэнд - World Bank Publications
African Agricultural Reforms: The Role of Consensus and Institutions (Directions in Development)
EAN 9780821395431 45.60 USD -
Toward Participatory Research (World Bank Technical Paper,)
EAN 9780821334737 -
Procurement of Works (Standard Bidding Documents)
EAN 9780821347140 -
Development as Leadership-led Change: A Report for the Global Leadership Initiative (World Bank Studies) (Paperback) - Common
EAN 880130831589 -
Evaluating Water Institutions and Water Sector Performance (World Bank Technical Papers)
EAN 9780821345610 20.90 USD -
The Rainforests of Cameroon: Experience and Evidence from a Decade of Reform (Directions in Development)
EAN 9780821378786 19.50 USD -
Deep Crises and Reform: What Have We Learned? (Directions in Development)
EAN 9780821336977 10.95 USD -
Global Development Finance with CDROM: Striving for Stability in Development Finance
EAN 9780821354308 398.96 USD -
Agriculture in Tanzania Since 1986: Follower or Leader of Growth? (World Bank Studies)
EAN 9780821347799 -
Investment Insurance and Developmental Impact: Evaluating Miga"s Experience
EAN 9780821349137 21.98 USD -
Procurement of Works
EAN 9780821347225 24.45 USD -
Welfare Consequences of Selling Public Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis
EAN 9780821329771 22.00 USD -
The Broad Sector Approach to Investment Lending: Sector Investment Programs: Sector Investment Programmes
EAN 9780821334492 21.98 USD -
Water Quality Modeling: A Guide to Effective Practice
EAN 9780821348635 41.55 USD