Брэнд - Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc
Doing History: Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools
EAN 9780805850727 44.72 USD -
Horror Films: Current Research on Audience Preferences and Reactions (Technology in Education Series)
EAN 9780805811735 65.76 USD -
Aging and Caring at the Intersection of Work and Home Life: Blurring the Boundaries
EAN 9780805859171 96.99 USD -
Knowledge Spaces: Theories, Empirical Research, and Applications
EAN 9780805827996 95.24 USD -
Adult Learning and Development: Perspectives from Educational Psychology (Educational Psychology (Hardcover Lea))
EAN 9780805825237 112.63 USD -
Stereotype Dynamics: Language-Based Approaches to the Formation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Stereotypes
EAN 9780805856774 134.81 USD -
The Audience in News CL (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition)
EAN 9780805821109 55.02 USD -
Applied Communication 21st Cent.H Pod (Carnegie Mellon Symposia on Cognition)
EAN 9780805814750 57.80 USD -
Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urban Legends: Doctrine, Verity and Fable in the Organizational and Social Sciences
EAN 9780805862379 107.06 USD -
Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics: Studies of Complex Classroom Events
EAN 9780805847239 61.91 USD -
Handbook of Literacy and Technology: Transformations in a Post-Typographic World
EAN 9780805826425 175.59 USD -
The Burden of Visual Truth CL: The Role of Photojournalism in Mediating Reality (Lea"s Communication)
EAN 9780805833751 139.99 USD -
Writing and Reading Mental Health Records: Issues and Analysis in Professional Writing and Scientific Rhetoric
EAN 9780805820010 40.95 USD -
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Proceedin)
EAN 9780805862966 43.89 USD