Брэнд - Tauris I B
Daoism: An Introduction (Introduction to Religion)
EAN 9781845116385 77.70 USD -
A Short History of the Spanish Civil War
EAN 9781848856585 23.35 USD -
Language Politics in Contemporary Central Asia: National and Ethnic Identity and the Soviet Legacy (International Library of Central Asia Studies)
EAN 9781848858206 89.28 USD -
Radical Frontiers in the Spaghetti Western: Politics, Violence and Popular Italian Cinema (International Library of Visual Culture)
EAN 9781848855786 92.84 USD -
Turkey and European Security Defence Policy: Compatibility and Security Cultures in a Globalised World (Library of European Studies)
EAN 9781848852679 91.01 USD -
Gender and Politics in Kuwait: Women and Political Participation in the Gulf (Library of Modern Middle East Studies)
EAN 9781780763064 88.79 USD -
A Companion to the Muslim World (Institute of Ismaili Studies Muslim Heritage)
EAN 9781848851931 37.28 USD -
The Shi"a of Lebanon: Clans, Parties and Clerics
EAN 9781848858145 24.08 USD -
Kurds and the State in Iran: The Making of Kurdish Identity (International Library of Iranian Studies)
EAN 9781848857889 79.25 USD -
Observant States: Geopolitics and Visual Culture (International Library of Human Geography)
EAN 9781845119454 30.46 USD -
Between Revolution and State: The Path to Fatimid Statehood: Qadi Al-NU"Man and the Construction of Fatimid Legitimacy (Ismaili Heritage)
EAN 9781850438823 43.91 USD -
The Wandering Lake: Into the Heart of Asia
EAN 9781848850224 17.02 USD -
The State in Contemporary Islamic Thought: A Historical Survey of the Major Muslim Political Thinkers of the Modern Era (Contemporary Arab Scholarship in the Social Sciences)
EAN 9781848850620 80.05 USD -
Constable and His Drawings
EAN 9780856673801 62.81 USD