Брэнд - Willan Publishing (UK)
Restorative Justice in Practice: Evaluating What Works for Victims and Offenders
EAN 9781843928454 47.74 USD -
Beyond the Tariff: Human Rights and the Release of Life Sentence Prisoners
EAN 9781903240885 136.76 USD -
Crime, Social Control and Human Rights: From Moral Panics to States of Denial, Essays in Honour of Stanley Cohen
EAN 9781843922285 134.38 USD -
Dot.Cons: Crime, Deviance and Identity on the Internet
EAN 9781843920007 47.99 USD -
Crime Online: Committing, Policing and Regulating Cybercrime
EAN 9781843921981 120.00 USD -
Imagining Security
EAN 9781843920748 49.88 USD -
Penal Populism, Sentencing Councils and Sentencing Policy
EAN 9781843922773 50.02 USD -
Addressing Offending Behaviour: Context, Practice and Values: Context, Practice, Values
EAN 9781843922445 103.14 USD -
Offenders or Citizens?: Readings in Rehabilitation (Key Readings)
EAN 9781843925309 122.32 USD -
An Introduction to Criminological Theory
EAN 9781843925699 -
Criminal Justice and Political Cultures: National and International Dimensions of Crime Control
EAN 9781843920540 45.34 USD -
Offending Behaviour: Moral Reasoning, Criminal Conduct and the Rehabilitation of Offenders
EAN 9781843920380 43.38 USD -
Handbook of Restorative Justice
EAN 9781843921516 134.87 USD -
Holding Your Square: Masculinities, Streetlife and Violence: (Crime Ethnography)
EAN 9781843921943 90.31 USD