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Character and Ethical Development in Three Novels of George Eliot: Middlemarch, Romola, Daniel Deronda (Studies in British Literature)
EAN 9780773473256 108.31 USD -
Nigeria Since Independence and the Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations on Democratization (Studies in African Economic and Social Development, V. 20)
EAN 9780773466883 115.68 USD -
Awakened to Dreams: Hiroshima"s Legacy
EAN 9780773428157 39.19 USD -
Learning and Sociological Profiles of Canadian High School Students: An Overview of 15 to 18 Year Olds and Educational Policy Implications for Dropou: ... Students, Immigrant Students and Native Youth
EAN 9780773493476 138.61 USD -
Econometric and Forecasting Models
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Studies in the Philosophy of Creation With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead: With Especial Reference to Bergson and Whitehead (Collected Works of Newton P. Stallknecht, Volume 3)
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A History of the Quest for Philosophical Clarity from Descartes to Wittgenstein: "We Can Only Understand What We Ourselves Have Made"
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A Bilingual Study of a Ritual Circumcision Song of the Agikuyu of Kenya: Muumburo Na Maambura Ma Irua (African Studies (Lewiston, N.Y.), V. 61.)
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The Evangelical Alliance for the United States of America, 1847-1900: Ecumenism, Identity, and the Religion of the Republic (Studies in American Religion)
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A Concise History of Political Violence in Algeria, 1954-2000: Brothers in Faith, Enemies in Arms (North African Studies, V. 3)
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Studia Mystica: Vol XVII
EAN 9780773486607 108.55 USD -
Explaining the Depiction of Violence Against Women in Victorian Literature: Applying Julia Kristeva"s Theory of Abjection to Dickens, Bronte, and Braddon (Studies in British Literature)
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An Across Walls Overview-Study of Novel and Short Stories by Eighteen 20th Century English and American Authors (Studies in Comparative Literature)
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Photographic Impressionists of Spain: A History of the Aesthetics and Technique of Pictorial Photography: History of the Aesthetics and Technique of ... (Studies in Art and Religious Interpretation)
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