Брэнд - West Pub
Fox, Sullivan and Peritz" Cases and Materials on United States Antitrust in Global Context, 2D, 2009 Supplement (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314202475 23.15 USD -
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure, Keyed to Friedenthal, 9th
EAN 9780314166937 35.50 USD -
Federal Administrative Law (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314167392 156.20 USD -
Selected Commercial Statutes for Payment Systems Courses
EAN 9780314190154 40.70 USD -
Death Penalty in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
EAN 9780314158833 25.19 USD -
Pension and Employee Benefit Law (University Casebooks)
EAN 9781599414096 15.76 USD -
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law, Keyed to Chemerinsky, 2D
EAN 9780314168894 37.20 USD -
Conflict of Laws (Black Letter Outlines)
EAN 9780314195715 37.00 USD -
Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law: Themes for the Constitution"s Third Century, 4th, 2012 Supplement (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314281517 -
Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Related State Doctrines: Cases and Materials on the Law of Intellectual Property (University Casebooks)
EAN 9781599411392 142.10 USD -
Corporations, Other Limited Liability Entities and Partnerships: Statutory and Documentary Supplement for Hazen & Markham"s Corporations and Other Bus
EAN 9780314275226 36.12 USD -
Administrative Law (Black Letter Outlines)
EAN 9780314158970 31.56 USD -
Nutrition Now
EAN 9780314044471 57.82 USD -
Criminal Procedure Supplement: Principles, Policies and Perspectives: Criminal Procedure: Investigating Crime, Criminal Procedure: Prosecuting Crime (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314179791 10.31 USD