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Rhythm and Life: The Work of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze (Wendy Hilton Dance and Music Series)
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A Musical Offering: Essays in Honor of Martin Bernstein
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Symphonic and Chamber Music Score and Parts Bank Thematic Catalogue: Of the Barry S. Brook Facsimile Archive of 18th and Early 19th Century ... Program in Music of th (Thematic Catalogues)
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Confraternity and Carnevale at San Giovanni Evangelista, Florence 1820 - 1924
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Encomium Musicae: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert J. Snow: Essays in Memory of Robert J.Snow (Festschrift Series)
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Analyzing Fugue: A Schenkerian Approach (Harmonologia)
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Modern Music Librarianship: Essays in Honor of Ruth Watanabe (Festschrift Series)
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Five Centuries of Choral Music: Essays in Honor of Howard Swan (Festschrift Series)
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The Right Notes: Twenty-Three Selected Essays by George Perle on Twentieth-Century Music: Twenty Three Selected Essays on Twentieth Century Music
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The Organist as Scholar: Essays in Memory of Russell Saunders (Festschrift Series) (Hardback) - Common
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The Timpani: A History in Pictures and Documents (Ex Series)
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On the Music of Stefan Wolpe: Essays and Recollections (Dimension & Diversity)
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Wagner in Rehearsal 1875-1876: The Diaries of Richard Fricke (Franz Liszt Studies Series)
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