Брэнд - Taylor & Francis
Epilepsy in Clinical Practice
EAN 9781901865332 -
Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress, the Hague, 28 May-1 June 1990
EAN 9789061911227 166.58 USD -
Spirituality in Social Work Practice
EAN 9781560324065 46.54 USD -
EAN 9780815338963 143.04 USD -
EAN 9789058091871 183.91 USD -
Control of Imperfections
EAN 9780748406302 -
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
EAN 9780748400348 -
EAN 9780419181101 234.72 USD -
EAN 9789061917502 297.31 USD -
EAN 9789058096203 352.11 USD -
Pharmaceutical Engineering Change Control
EAN 9780203508824 -
EAN 9780824054632 -
Weak Rock - Soft, Fractured and Weathered Rock, Vol. 1: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Weak Rock Tokyo 21-24 September 1981
EAN 9789061912064 325.63 USD -
Medieval Sculpture in Canadian Cultures
EAN 9780824034184