Брэнд - Univ of Michigan Pr
Collaborative Meaning in Medieval Scribal Culture: The Otho La3amon: The Otho Lazamon (Editorial Theory and Literary Criticism)
EAN 9780472109494 69.90 USD -
Noise That Stays Noise: Essays (Poets on Poetry)
EAN 9780472071555 48.36 USD -
Baghdad Bulletin: Dispatches on the American Occupation
EAN 9780472031696 15.84 USD -
Bound by Struggle: The Strategic Evolution of Enduring International Rivalries
EAN 9780472112746 64.81 USD -
Michigan Ice Hockey: Celebrating the All-Time Greats and Most Memorable Moments
EAN 9780472034444 24.39 USD -
Paul Robeson and the Cold War Performance Complex: Race, Madness, Activism (Theater: Theory/Text/Performance)
EAN 9780472071685 96.12 USD -
Capturing Campaign Effects
EAN 9780472069217 31.66 USD -
America Beyond Black and White: How Immigrants and Fusions Are Helping Us Overcome the Racial Divide (Contemporary Political and Social Issues)
EAN 9780472116096 37.34 USD -
Defining Dominion: The Discourses of Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern France and Germany (Studies in Medieval & Early Modern Europe)
EAN 9780472086191 32.44 USD -
The Rise of the Chinese Empire, Volume 1: Nation, State, & Imperialism in Early China, CA. 1600 B.C.-A.D. 8: Center and Periphery in Early China
EAN 9780472115334 94.66 USD -
Prenatal Antecedents of Postnatal Growth
EAN 9780472100743 -
Alexander Strahan, Victorian Publisher
EAN 9780472100729 17.79 USD -
Congress on Display, Congress at Work
EAN 9780472111183 86.03 USD -
Campaign Reform: Insights and Evidence
EAN 9780472097319 77.38 USD