Брэнд - Emerald Group Pub
Labor Market Issues in China (Research in Labor Economics)
EAN 9781781907566 127.16 USD -
Advances in international banking and finance, Volume 1 (Advances in Biophysical Chemistry)
EAN 9781559383189 -
Research in Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting, Set
EAN 9780892326990 -
Accounting Control and Controlling Accounting: Interdisciplinary and Critical Perspectives
EAN 9781781907627 125.67 USD -
Narrative Inquiries Into Curriculum-Making in Teacher Education (Advances in Research on Teaching)
EAN 9780857245915 118.02 USD -
Library and Information Science Trends and Research: Asia-Oceania
EAN 9781780524702 116.43 USD -
Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring (Research in Rural Sociology and Development)
EAN 9780762314201 150.09 USD -
The Comparative Study of Conscription in the Armed Forces (Comparative Social Research)
EAN 9780762308361 125.42 USD -
Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations)
EAN 9780857249074 119.52 USD -
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (International Perspectives on Higher Education Research)
EAN 9781781906828 121.70 USD -
Understanding the Relationship Between Networks and Technology, Creativity and Innovation (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy)
EAN 9781781904893 109.80 USD -
Social Determinants, Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care (Research in the Sociology of Health Care)
EAN 9781781905876 128.58 USD -
National Health Insurance in Taiwan, Volume 17 (Research in Human Capital and Development) (Research in Human Capital and Development)
EAN 9780762313853 -
Lexical Markers of Common Grounds (SiP 3), Volume 3 (Studies in Pragmatics)
EAN 9780080453224