Brand - World Bank Publications
World Bank"s Policy on Disclosure of Information
EAN 9780821328071 75.08 USD -
EAN 9780821332788 -
Unconditional Demand for Health Care in Cote D"Ivoire: Does Selection on Health Status Matter? (Lsms Working Paper)
EAN 9780821337578 20.90 USD -
Malaysia: Growth, Equity, and Structural Transformation (The Lessons of East Asia)
EAN 9780821326107 22.91 USD -
EAN 9780821329955 -
Groundwater Irrigation and the Rural Poor: Options for Developpment in the Gangetic Basin (A World Bank Symposium)
EAN 9780821324011 22.21 USD -
EAN 9780821388662 63.74 USD -
Global Development Finance 2003 Set: Complete Print and Cd-rom Multiple User
EAN 9780821354339 1150.84 USD -
EAN 9780821331330 -
Africa Can Compete!: Export Opportunities and Challenges for Garments and Home Products in the European Market (World Bank Discussion Paper)
EAN 9780821334393 -
Panama Poverty Assessment: Priorities and Strategies for Poverty Reduction (Country Studies) (Spanish Edition)
EAN 9780821347164 30.35 USD -
EAN 9780821326367 22.26 USD -
EAN 9780821356593 -
EAN 821354221 57.86 USD