Brand - World Bank Publications
Corporate Governance of Public Enterprises in Transitional Economies (World Bank Technical Paper)
EAN 9780821336366 23.33 USD -
Population Growth, Shifting Cultivation, and Unsustainable Agricultural Development: A Case Study in Madagascar (World Bank Discussion Paper)
EAN 9780821327937 24.68 USD -
Changes in the Wage Structure During Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe (World Bank Technical Paper)
EAN 9780821337509 19.86 USD -
Who Is Most Vulnerable to Macroeconomic Shocks? : Hypotheses Tests Using Panel Data from Peru (LSMS Working Paper, No. 117)
EAN 9780821332443 7.03 USD -
EAN 9780821373712 58.77 USD -
Trade and Cost Competitiveness in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia (World Bank Technical Papers)
EAN 9780821347966 21.53 USD -
Credit Policies and the Industrialization of Korea (World Bank Discussion Paper)
EAN 821332465 23.38 USD -
EAN 9780821342275 20.90 USD -
World Bank Indicator, 1995: Network Version
EAN 9780821334546 -
Rural Energy and Development: Improving Energy Supplies for Two Billion People (Development in Practice)
EAN 9780821338063 24.68 USD -
Strengthening Public Service Accountability: A Conceptual Framework (World Bank Discussion Paper)
EAN 9780821319703 -
Glossary of Urban Infrastructure Maintenance (Eng., Fr. and Span.)
EAN 9780821309711 27.35 USD -
International River Basin Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank Technical Paper)
EAN 9780821328712 24.64 USD -
Medicinal Plants: Rescuing a Global Heritage (World Bank Technical Paper)
EAN 9780821338568 21.76 USD