Метка - Roman
The Civil War: With the anonymous Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars (World\"s Classics)
EAN 9780192831514 7.95 USD -
Treatises on Friendship and Old Age
EAN 9781404335288 16.99 USD -
De Senectute
EAN 9780892413485 16.00 USD -
Chapters on Jewish Literature
EAN 9781414250618 95.99 USD -
The Odes of Horace
EAN 9780374224257 35.00 USD -
Catullus (Hermes Books)
EAN 9780300051995 50.00 USD -
Cicero in His Letters
EAN 9780892413478 11.50 USD -
Selections from Lucretius
EAN 9780198317685 14.95 USD -
Chapters on Jewish Literature
EAN 9781435350342 45.99 USD -
Metamorphoses (World\"s Classics)
EAN 9780192816917 6.95 USD -
Seneca\"s Moral Epistles
EAN 9780865164871 43.83 USD -
Erasmus"s Parabolae Sive Similia: Its Relationship to Sixteenth-Century English Literature (Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies)
EAN 9780391025707 25.00 USD -
Roman Literature and Society (Pelican)
EAN 9780140220810 6.95 USD -
Diana at Her Bath/the Women of Rome
EAN 9781568860558 14.95 USD