Метка - Medieval Thought
EAN 9780872202702 141.83 USD -
The Didascalitation of Hugh of St Victor (Paper)
EAN 9780231096300 39.67 USD -
The Sentences Book 2: On Creation (Mediaeval Sources in Translation)
EAN 9780888442932 35.05 USD -
The Matter and Form of Maimonides\" Guide
EAN 9780674051607 47.45 USD -
Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics
EAN 9781107002678 87.83 USD -
Against Academicians and the Teacher
EAN 9780872202122 14.09 USD -
The Spirit of Mediaeval Philosophy
EAN 9780268017408 19.93 USD -
[Ethica. English].: Ethical Writings His Ethics or "Know Yourself" and His Dialogue Between a Philosopher, a Jews and a Christian: His "Ethics" or ... Between a Philosopher, a Jew and a Christian"
EAN 9780872203228 14.87 USD -
Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen
EAN 9780939680122 12.30 USD -
The Guide of the Perplexed
EAN 9780872203242 12.35 USD -
Ockham - Philosophical Writings: A Selection
EAN 9780872200784 17.46 USD -
On Free Choice of the Will
EAN 9780872201880 9.26 USD -
Niccolo"s Smile. A Biography of Machiavelli
EAN 9780374528003 18.28 USD -
The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being (Monographs of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, 1)
EAN 9780813209838 38.79 USD