Метка - Calvinist
The Theology of the Heidelberg Catechism: A Reformation Synthesis (Columbia Series in Reformed Theology)
EAN 9780664238544 25.84 USD -
The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)
EAN 9780195151688 58.50 USD -
On Kuyper. A Collection of Readings on the Life, Work & Legacy of Abraham Kuyper
EAN 9780932914965 36.82 USD -
The Other Side of Calvinism
EAN 9780962889875 26.96 USD -
Western Muslims and the Future of Islam
EAN 9780195171112 45.00 USD -
EAN 9781599252766 16.30 USD -
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life
EAN 9780801065286 8.54 USD -
John Calvin Student of the Church Fathers
EAN 9780801022296 29.99 USD -
The Presbyterian Handbook
EAN 9780664502881 13.75 USD -
Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader
EAN 9780802843210 37.45 USD -
John Knox for Armchair Theologians
EAN 9780664236694 16.15 USD -
The J. H. Bavinck Reader
EAN 9780802865922 33.61 USD -
Westminster Confession of Faith
EAN 9780902506084 27.00 USD -
Sing to the Lord a New Song: Choirs in the Worship and Culture of the Dutch Reformed Church in America, 1785-1860 (Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America)
EAN 9780802868749 30.79 USD