Метка - Applications
Linux for Embedded and Real-time Applications, Second Edition (Embedded Technology)
EAN 9780750679329 77.71 USD -
Fedora 9 Linux Desktop Handbook
EAN 9780977937691 34.00 USD -
Developing Linux Applications
EAN 9780735700215 33.34 USD -
Learning Debian Gnu/Linux
EAN 9781565927056 34.95 USD -
Course ILT: Red Hat Linux 6.2: Basic
EAN 9780619023447 16.00 USD -
Fedora 10 Linux Desktop
EAN 9780982099827 38.00 USD -
Colleges and universities in the 21st century planning textbook of Computer Science and Technology: Linux operating system principles and applications (2nd edition)
EAN 9787302278368 -
GNU/Linux Application Programming (Programming Series)
EAN 9781584505686 44.52 USD -
SUSE Linux Enterprise: Desktop Administration
EAN 9781428322271 234.79 USD -
User Mode Linux
EAN 9780131865051 54.51 USD -
Embedded Linux Porting on ARM & RFID Implementation Using ARM SoC
EAN 9783659431630 65.49 USD -
Linux Kernel Programming, Third Edition
EAN 9780201719758 89.67 USD -
Introduction to Linux (Second Edition)
EAN 9781596821125 34.56 USD -
Google Apps Deciphered: Compute in the Cloud to Streamline Your Desktop
EAN 9780137004706 39.99 USD