Метка - Banking
Anatomy of a Meltdown: A Dual Financial Biography of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
EAN 9780735594586 45.10 USD -
Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now?
EAN 9780415185059 83.48 USD -
The Law of Institutional Investment Management
EAN 9780199285013 309.37 USD -
Standards of Investment Protection
EAN 9780199547449 70.70 USD -
Banking and Financial Services Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems
EAN 9781611630978 92.50 USD -
Banking and Financial Institutions Law in a Nutshell, 7th (West Nutshell)
EAN 9780314184238 38.68 USD -
Accounting and Finance for Lawyers in a Nutshell, 4th Edition (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
EAN 9780314207876 37.55 USD -
Рукотворный финансовый кризис. Системные риски и провал регулирования
EAN 9785910660551 21.71 USD -
Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability
EAN 9780199269341 291.50 USD -
Banking Regulation in the United States 3rd Edition
EAN 9781578232635 143.59 USD -
The International Law on Foreign Investment
EAN 9780521747653 58.08 USD -
Obama"s Bank
EAN 9780521147118 23.68 USD -
Rethinking Bank Regulation
EAN 9780521709309 32.44 USD -
EAN 9781845422707 270.46 USD