Метка - Historic Preservation
Case Study Houses
EAN 9783822846179 9.99 USD -
Sissinghurst, An Unfinished History: The Quest to Restore a Working Farm at Vita Sackville-West"s Legendary Garden
EAN 9780670021734 25.17 USD -
Lake Houses
EAN 9781550464832 67.19 USD -
Historic Preservation and the Livable City
EAN 9780470381922 78.20 USD -
The California Missions
EAN 9780376051721 14.78 USD -
сер./Robert Polidori: Parcours Museologique Revisite авт. англ.
EAN 9783865217028 107.99 USD -
The Timber Framing Book
EAN 9780911469325 33.37 USD -
Historic Preservation Technology: A Primer
EAN 9780471788362 70.17 USD -
How to Write a Historic Structure Report
EAN 9780393706147 25.23 USD -
Moving Rooms – The Trade in Archtectural Salvages
EAN 9780300124200 52.03 USD -
Buying Time for Heritage: How to Save an Endangered Historic Property
EAN 9780807858684 38.06 USD -
Lost Chicago
EAN 9780226494326 44.27 USD -
Buildings, Landscapes, and Memory – Case Studies in Historic Preservation
EAN 9780393733181 46.70 USD -
History of Architectural Conservation
EAN 9780750655118 90.10 USD