Метка - Eritrea
Riding the Whirlwind: An Ethiopian Story of Love and Revolution
EAN 9780932415752 19.55 USD -
Flora Della Colonia Eritrea, Part 1
EAN 9781246450828 36.73 USD -
La Colonia Eritrea Dalle Sue Origini Fino Al 10 Marzo, 1900... (Italian Edition)
EAN 9781271156061 29.65 USD -
Taking on the Superpowers: Collected Articles on the Eritrean Revolution, 1976-1983
EAN 9781569021897 25.91 USD -
Hot Spot Horn of Africa: Between Integration and Disintegration (v. 19)
EAN 9783825868352 27.95 USD -
The Challenges of a Society in Transition: Legal Development in Eritrea
EAN 9781569022153 24.95 USD -
Third World Colonialism and Strategies of Liberation: Eritrea and East Timor Compared
EAN 9781107031234 94.05 USD -
Without Troops & Tanks: The Emergency Relief Desk and the Cross Border Operation into Eritrea and Tigray
EAN 9781569020036 15.23 USD -
From Guerrillas To Government: The Eritrean People"s Liberation Front (Eastern African Studies)
EAN 9780821413869 39.83 USD -
Kenisha: The Roots and Development of the Evangelical Church of Eritrea 1866-1935
EAN 9781569023501 34.62 USD -
Against All Odds: A Chronicle of the Eritrean Revolution With a New Afterword on the Postwar Transiton
EAN 9781569020463 11.54 USD -
Peasants and Nationalism in Eritrea: A Critique of Ethiopian Studies
EAN 9780932415387 24.32 USD -
Anatomy of An African Tragedy: Political, Economic and Foreign Policy crisis in Post-Indepence Eritrea
EAN 9781569022481 29.20 USD -
Building a New Nation: Collected Articles on the Eritrean Revolution (1983-2002)
EAN 9781569021996 26.50 USD