Метка - Historiography
History and Historians (7th Edition)
EAN 9780205687534 33.03 USD -
History: A Very Short Introduction
EAN 9780192853523 8.91 USD -
Mastering Modern World History
EAN 9781137276940 34.54 USD -
America – A Narrative History 8e V 2 Brief
EAN 9780393934106 48.05 USD -
The Strange Non–death of Neo–liberalism
EAN 9780745652214 24.34 USD -
Bringing the War HOme – The Weather Underground, the Red Army Faction, and Revolutionary Violence in the Sixties and Seventies
EAN 9780520241190 45.89 USD -
The Information-Literate Historian
EAN 9780199926046 24.32 USD -
The Pursuit of History
EAN 9780582894129 35.53 USD -
The Oral History Reader
EAN 9780415343039 45.27 USD -
Modern Historiography: An Introduction
EAN 9780415202671 36.95 USD -
Comets and the Horns of Moses
EAN 9781897244838 31.18 USD -
The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a Technique for Living (10th Edition)
EAN 9780205022472 136.21 USD -
History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around the World Portray U.S. History
EAN 9781595580825 16.04 USD -
Problems in Modern Latin American History: Sources and Interpretations (Latin American Silhouettes)
EAN 9780742556454 38.62 USD