Метка - Comparative
Fast Food/slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System (Society for Economic Anthropology Monographs)
EAN 9780759109155 40.94 USD -
Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices That Lead to Superior Performance
EAN 9781563273520 44.07 USD -
Third Ways: How Bulgarian Greens, Swedish Housewives, and Beer-Swilling Englishmen Created Family-Centered Economies - And Why They Disappeared (Culture of Enterprise)
EAN 9781933859408 28.04 USD -
The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States
EAN 9780691119991 53.94 USD -
Reforming the Welfare State – Recovery and Beyond in Sweden
EAN 9780226261928 99.99 USD -
The German Criminal Code
EAN 9781841138312 53.58 USD -
The Global Debate over Constitutional Property – Lessons for American Takings Jurisprudence
EAN 9780226012988 44.22 USD -
The New Systems Competition
EAN 9780631219521 60.18 USD -
The Economics of Growth
EAN 9780262012638 72.23 USD -
Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil – Bad Luck or Bad Policy?
EAN 9780262033343 56.68 USD -
The New Industrial State
EAN 9780691131412 40.74 USD -
Determinants of Economic Growth – A Cross–Country Empirical Study (Paper)
EAN 9780262522540 24.12 USD -
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy. A Boston Review Book
EAN 9780691119380 34.15 USD -
Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay – Assessing the Economic Rise of China and India
EAN 9780691129945 53.09 USD